One more step and your acquaintance with our method will reach its practical level. Warning: It may be the beginning of a long-lasting friendship that will arouse irreversible processes in your sphere of consciousness, spiritual sensitivity, and produce real life change in your life! On our map you can choose the Family Soft School closest to you! Furthermore, you can learn more about these locations on our teachers' pages.
Instructor Around the world
Instructor Moscow
Instructor Moscow
Instructor Санкт-Петербург
Instructor Санкт-Петербург
Instructor Санкт-Петербург
Instructor Санкт-Петербург
Instructor Екатеринбург
Instructor Екатеринбург
Instructor Томск
Instructor Хельсенки
Trainee Moscow
Trainee Новосибирск
Trainee Смоленск
Navigating our website is fast and easy. Next to the name of every instructor there will be a year. This year represents when that teacher began to study and be acquainted with our FSS program; it doesn’t signify the year that they started teaching their own groups. Here is a breakdown of our instructor categories:
These are students that have passed at least three basic seminars. Additionally, they have decided to share their new practical knowledge with other people. This means that they have begun organizing FSS groups and leading their own lessons. The main distinctive feature of a trainee is that they have passed at least one supervisory test by our original author. On our website, if you look under the map there are the trainees' portraits and names.
These are students that have passed at least three basic seminars. Additionally, they have decided to share their new practical knowledge with other people. This means that they have begun organizing FSS groups and leading their own lessons. The main distinctive feature of a trainee is that they have passed at least one supervisory test by our original author. On our website, if you look under the map there are the trainees' portraits and names.
Teachers are people who have acquired a lot of practice and experience in FSS, have passed all the basic and supporting seminars at least once, have conducted more than one acquaintance seminar, and have their supervisor’s approval to teach children of all different age groups. They use FSS methods in their day to day lives and are able to perform all our exercises by themselves. Our approved teachers are marked on our map. Additionally, their personal page contains extra information about them, their address, their contacts, and a questionnaire that you can fill out if you want to join their class.
Design: Igor Filimonov